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Secondo la definizione della Ellen MacArthur Foundation, l'economia circolare "è un termine generico per definire un'economia progettata per potersi rigenerare da sola".


In a circular economy, material flows are classified into two types: biological, capable of being reintegrated into the biosphere, and technical, destined to be revalued without entering the biosphere. Therefore, a circular economy is an economic system designed to reuse materials in successive production cycles, minimizing waste.


Reducing raw material consumption involves designing products with long-term obsolescence and simple maintenance, thereby lowering costs.



The reuse of raw materials represents the initial major lifecycle of products, ensuring that the energy expended to create those products is not lost.



the final step to reclaim the material


Bags made from truck tarpaulin.

In Italia, l'economia circolare non solo protegge l'ambiente ma contribuisce anche a ridurre i costi di produzione e gestione, generando profitti. Il paese si trova in una posizione eccellente a livello europeo in questo contesto.

Nel settore dei rifiuti, la produzione totale di rifiuti urbani e speciali ammonta a 178 milioni di tonnellate. Tuttavia, ci sono crescenti potenzialità nei processi di riciclo che stanno contribuendo a rendere l'economia italiana sempre più circolare.

The European Commission forecasts 580,000 jobs to be created in the circular economy, with Italy alone accounting for 190,000 of them. This initiative is expected to lead to annual savings of €72 billion for European businesses.

Interesting data on secondary raw materials generated from separate waste collection. In 2014, approximately 10.6 million tonnes of materials including paper, wood, glass, plastic, and organic waste were reintroduced to the market, with over 60% recovered as materials. Preliminary data for 2015 shows a 2% increase in these figures.

Focusing on the Circular Economy means stimulating the creativity of Italian SMEs to economically valorize material reuse. It's a strategically important input that transforms necessity into opportunity.

And we are part of those numbers!

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